Παράκαμψη προς το κυρίως περιεχόμενο

Call reference: GP/EFSA/KNOW/2022/02 Call title: The European Foodome project- Deadline for submission of proposals 29_08_2022

“Call reference: GP/EFSA/KNOW/2022/02 Call title: The European Foodome project”

Σύνδεσμος στα έγγραφα της πρόσκλησης: GP/EFSA/KNOW/2022/02 - The European Foodome project | EFSA (europa.eu)

Η προθεσμία υποβολής προτάσεων είναι η Τετάρτη 29 Αυγούστου 2022 (12:30 CEST).

Μπορείτε να βρείτε περισσότερες λεπτομέρειες για τους στόχους και την περιγραφή των εργασιών που πρέπει να εκτελεστούν στα έγγραφα της πρόσκλησης  στον παραπάνω σύνδεσμο.



The “European Foodome” project aims to:

i) improve the quality, quantity, and accessibility of data on (bio)chemical composition of food13 by taking advantage of AI technologies,

ii) combine this data with genome, transcriptome/proteome and metabolome data to explore the impact of food on health and

iii) demonstrate via a case study its applicability in regulatory science.

The results of the “European Foodome” project should aim to decrease the time needed for searches  and reduce the uncertainties in risk assessment by allowing immediate identification of specific compounds through the creation of a well-structured, comprehensive food composition database. In addition, the project should explore how to systematically unveil the mechanistic role of some molecules found in our diets, by building on the findings f rom recently published pioneering work in linking food chemicals to diseases9 . Closing the gap on incomplete (bio)chemical composition of food with knowledge graphs14 will help scientists and risk assessors to overcome the above-mentioned limitations and provide regulators and health professionals with the opportunity to formulate more informed recommendations on healthy diets in the future in line with EU initiatives such as the Farm to Fork strategy.

Σε περίπτωση οποιουδήποτε ερωτήματος σχετικά με την παρούσα πρόσκληση, μπορείτε να απευθύνεστε στην ηλεκτρονική διεύθυνση: EFSAProcurement@efsa.europa.eu αναφέροντας τον αριθμό της πρόσκλησης:

Call reference: GP/EFSA/KNOW/2022/02

Η παρούσα πρόσκληση υποβολής προτάσεων είναι ένας νέος τύπος επιχορήγησης που βασίζεται στα παραδοτέα.

Financing based on achievement of results as opposed to financing based on cost is a new type of grant introduced in the EU financial Regulation 2018. This type of grant gives advantages on an administrative level to both EFSA and the beneficiaries. The below table illustrates the main changes.

▪ Co-financing principle is not applicable

▪ No-profit principle is not applicable

▪ Estimated budget is not requested

▪ The concept of eligible/non eligible costs is no longer relevant

▪ Payments are done based on approval of deliverables.

No need for EFSA to calculate the final grant amount based on spending and no need for the beneficiary to submit supporting documents for incurred costs.

Επισημαίνουμε ότι για την εν λόγω πρόσκληση (Grant) δικαιούχοι υποβολής πρότασης είναι οι οργανισμοί του καταλόγου του άρθρου 36 του Καν. (ΕΚ) 178/2002, ο οποίος είναι διαθέσιμος στον σύνδεσμο:  https://efsa.force.com/competentorganisations/s/