The European Programs constitute the key funding instrument of the European Union for research and innovation. Their aim is the generation of science and technology at a global level that will boost economic growth.
In the new programming period 2014-2020, the European Commission will grant more than € 120 billion through the competitive programs with the end objective to promote and implement its key policies. The proposals for the European competitive programs are directly submitted to the European Commission without the intervention of the state institutional bodies, and the proposals to be funded are selected among the competitive proposals submitted by all member-states.
The PIC No of the University of Thessaly is 986152150.
The EuropeAid ID of the University of Thessaly, necessary for the organisations wishing to participate in programs in the external aid field via PADOR (Potential Applicant Dated Online Registration) is GR-2010-BGP-1603223720.
The key European competitive programs are the following: