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Προβολή πληροφοριών έργου

Τίτλος ΈργουNanoSWS:Integrated nanotechnologies for sustainable sensing water and sanitation
Επιστ. Υπεύθυνος Λασπίδου Χρυσή
Προϋπ/σμός90.880,87 €
ΤμήμαΤμήμα Πολιτικών Μηχανικών
Φορέας Χρημ/σηςΓΓΕΤ
Αρχή 2017-09-15
ΠεριγραφήNanoSWS will address the significant challenge of water management and sanitation by improving pollution monitoring and intervention on contaminated waters. Many EU and non-EU Mediterranean countries are currently threatened by water scarcity and desertification, which is of crucial importance to their economies and the environment. Catchments are important agricultural producers, with agriculture often being the major sector in these economies and by far the main water consumer with irrigated land covering a large part of the areas. Very dry climate during the hot summer months in combination with poor sanitation practices result in low river flows, low groundwater tables, drying up of lakes, significant water quality degradation by nutrients and pesticides and saline water intrusion in coastal areas. Climate change is expected to exacerbate these deteriorating conditions and to further threaten the water and food security of Mediterranean countries in the near future. This serious societal challenge is a major driving force for the development of new technologies that will achieve real-time monitoring and treatment to optimize large-scale water supply networks, prolong service life, and improve water and food security for citizens in EU and non-EU Mediterranean countries. The main objective of NanoSWS is to deliver innovative and cost-effective technologies that will monitor in realtime the quality of fresh water resources for a series of pollutants (heavy metals, pesticides, phenolic compounds) and pathogens and that will further treat the water by modular smart treatment plants in order to achieve safe water resources. NanoSWS will develop integrated cost-effective advanced analytical tools and methodologies for monitoring and treating water supplies by integrating novel advanced technologies, including high-tech electrochemical sensors, flow sampling and analysis, ICT (wireless communication and data management) and smart sanitation processes. Developed technologies will be demonstrated in Sebou River in Morocco, showcasing our results in a non-EU Mediterranean country, where agricultural pollution and poor sanitation limits economic growth and societal health and wellbeing. The embedded analytical configuration will include a water analysis module that will monitor water potability, pathogens and concentrations of heavy metals, pesticides and phenolic compounds and a treatment module via smart mobile treatment plants. NanoSWS goals are to optimize water resource management, to ensure a sustainable water supply and sanitation, to increase the number of people that have access to safe water supplies, to promote food safety and security, public health, and economic growth in EU and non-EU Mediterranean countries. The impacts of NanoSWS include sustainability, increased environmental protection, food and water security and significant economic growth for the agricultural sector, as irrigation water and soil quality will improve and crop production intensification will be possible. Furthermore, NanoSWS will address crucial problems faced by developing countries and has the potential
Τελική Εκθεση 1
Αρ.Συνεδρίασης 244,4/19
Ημερ/νία Ενταξης
Ετος Περάτωσης 2023
Επιχ.Πρόγρ. ERANETMED2
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