Laboratory of Genetics, Comparative and Evolutionary Biology was founded by the Presidential Decree 1971/10-9-2009. The teaching and research activities of the members of the Laboratory cover the fields of Genetics, Developmental Biology, Molecular Ecology, Developmental Biology and Comparative Animal Biology. Besides teaching at undergraduate and postgraduate levels, the scopes of the Laboratory include (a) the collaboration with research centers and academic institutions in Greece and abroad, with compatible and complementary scientific goals, (b) the organization of conferences, workshops, seminars, symposia and other scientific events scientific publishing, and (c) the development and provision of services based on molecular methodologies.
Development of molecular markers and analysis of the genetic structure of animal populations, both terrestrial and aquatic, for the study of the mechanisms of phylogenesis, microevolution and speciation and, ultimately, biodiversity conservation.
Major Histocompatability Complex (MHC) polymorphism, evolutionary mechanisms, life history patterns and disease susceptibility in terrestrial and aquatic animal species, free-ranging and farmed populations.
Study on the genetic basis of multi-factorial diseases such as neurological, metabolic and immunological, in the Greek population, as inferred by mitochondrial and nuclear genetic markers, in order to link primary genetic defects with disease pathogenesis or detect polymorphisms that can serve as biomarkers for pharmacogenomics applications.
Traceability of the ingredients of food products of animal origin by the development and application of novel molecular markers with the potential to distinguish between species and reveal frauds.
Isolation and production of recombinant digestive proteases from fish species with commercial interest; determination of biochemical characteristics; study of their hormonal and environmental regulation; application as fish feed additives.
Development of pH-stat methodology for the in vitro determination of dietary protein digestibility of fish feeds using either crude digestive enzyme extracts or recombinant proteases.
Study the hormonal regulation of expression profile of genes involved in the development and growth of fillet in farmed fish species for the discovery of molecular markers of growth potential applicable early in development.
"Determination of different stock populations of Μullus barbatus with molecular biology methods". PENED, General Secretariat of Research and Technology, Greece, 1996–1998.
"Determination of different stock populations of Μullus surmuletus with molecular biology methods". Research Committee, University of Thessaly, Greece, 1998.
"Study of the genetic structure of fish stock populations of high commercial value in Pagasitikos Gulf with molecular biology methods". Ministry of Environment – Prefecture of Magnesia, Greece, 1998–2000.
"Identification of european brown hare populations (Lepus europeaus) in Epirus and Thessaly with molecular biology methods". Ministry of Agriculture 1998–1999.
"Molecular cloning and characterization of the embryonic form of Sparus aurata skeletal myosin alkali light chain: developmental expression". Instituto de Cooperacao Cientifica e Tecnologica Internacional (ICCTI), Portugal 2000–2001.
"Sex differentiation and stress: correlation of the levels of expression of P450 aromatase and the brain peptide pro–opiomelanocortin (POMC)". Research Committee, University of Thessaly, Greece, 2001.
"Incorporation of legumes and carob seed germ meal in sea bream and sea bass feeds" EPAN, General Secretariat of Research and Technology, Greece. 2004–2007.
"Molecular cloning and characterization of the main serine proteases in the euryhaline teleost Sparus aurata: salinity and hormonal regulation of gene expression and enzyme activity levels" HRAKLEITOS, Ministry of Education, Greece, 2002–2005.
"The importance of genetic polymorphism of the Major Histocompatibility Complex (MHC) for disease outbreaks in mammals: correlation between the genetic composition in hare (Lepus europaeus) and the frequency of european brown hare syndrome". PYTHAGORAS, Ministry of Education, Greece, 2004–2006.
"Incorporation of legumes and carob seed germ meal in sea bream and sea bass feeds" funded by the General Secretariat of Research and Technology, Greece, 2004–2007.
"Training and integration of the local communities adjacent to the rivers Kalama (Ioannina, Thesprotia) and Ofanto (Canosa, Barletta) to the protection of fluvial ecosystems towards the achievement of advanced management and sustainable development" INTERREG IIIA GREECE–ITALY, 2007–2008.
Member (Moutou) of Working Group 1 Basic knowledge on fish larvae biology of COST ActionFA0801 «LARVANET: Critical success factors for fish larval production in European Aquaculture: a multidisciplinary network» (www.larvanet.org), 2008–2012.
Member (Mamuris) of the Management Committee of COST Action TD1101 – A Collaborative European Network on Rabbit Genome Biology (RGB–Net) 2011–2015.
ESF Research Networking Programme on conservation genomics to develop and improve the knowledge transfer of the technical advances and challenges in conservation genomics, focusing specifically on the application of genomic techniques.
MALWEST "Special Control program of West Nile virus and malaria, reinforcement of vigilance in Hellenic territory" funded by NSRF Programme for Development (2007–2013).
"Development of tracing markers and molecular methods for the identification and traceability of traditional food products of animal origin", funded by GSRT– Support for the SMEs.
PCR thermocyclers.
Real-time PCR.
Cell culture facility.
pH stat automatic titrator.
Hybridization oven.
Image analysis system.
Microtome for histological preparations.
Incubator for microbiological cultures.
Combination of horizontal and vertical electrophoresis device.
Genetic markers for monitoring released game species (European brown hare, wild boar, partridge).
Molecular markers and methods for the traceability of ingredients of animal origin in processed and canned food as well as dairy products and pet food.
Genetic markers for the identification of frozen and canned fish.
Method of in vitro digestibility of raw material and feeds for Mediterranean farmed fish.
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+30 2410 565282
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+30 2410 565279
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+30 2410 565288
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+30 2410 565204
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