The research currently contacted in the laboratory covers the general area of experimental methods in structural engineering and materials and focuses on the experimental physical modeling of the static and dynamic response of plain and reinforced concrete (R/C) and the strength assessment of R/C structures. Past and on-going research projects contacted in the Laboratory include: size effects on the strength and fracture toughness of plain and fiber R/C, composite action under bending and shear of concrete slabs with profiled steel sheeting, static and cyclic flexural response of R/C beams strengthened with fiber R/C jackets, monotonic and cyclic response of welded tubular joints of high-strength steel, fatigue and fracture toughness of high-strength steel welded joints and response of infilled R/C frames with R/C walls under fully reversing cyclic loading.
Strengthening of R/C frames with Infilled R/C panels.
Behavior of High-StrengthTubularColumnsandConnectionsunderEarthquake loadings.
Behavior and Design of Composite R/C slabs with steel sheeting.
Static and Cyclic Bending Response of R/C Beams Strengthened with Fiber-Reinforced Concrete Jackets.
Fracture Toughness of Plain and Fiber-reinforced Concrete.
Fatigue Response of Welded T-joint Steel Plates.
Fatigue Response of Welded Tubular Member Joints of High-strength Steel.
Development of a Health Bridge Monitoring Systemfor EGNATIA Highway, Greece, in collaboration with Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Thessaly (co-P. I.),«EGNATIA» (3/2001 to 3/02).
Evaluation of Ductility for New and Old Reinforced Concrete Structures,in collaboration with Department of Civil Engineering, National Technical University of Athens,(co-P. I.), Greek Organization for Design and Protection against Seismic Loadings (O.A.S.P.) (11/2000 to 11/02).
Development of Health Monitoring Systemfor the Dynamic Behavior and Evaluation of Bridge Performance, in collaboration with Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Thessaly (P. I.), Greek Organization for Design and Protection against Seismic Loadings (O.A.S.P.) (3/2001 to 3/03).
Seismic Design of Bridges, in collaboration with departments of Civil Eng. NTUA/AUTh/UP/DUTh, Department of Mech. Eng. of UTh, EGNATIA, ITSAK, Denco, Edafos, Elemka, Themeliodomi, Seismomonosi, Tsiknias&ΑΕΜΤΕ, Greece (co- P.I.), General Office of Research & Technology (G.G.E.T.) (1/10/03 to 31/9/06).
Design loads of Composite R/C Slabswith steel sheeting, Kalpinis–SimosΑΕΒΕ (1/2005 - 12/06).
Experimental Results on the Response of Ultimate Strength of Steel Sheeting (P.I.), ΚΟΝΤΙ(31/3/06 – 31/8/08).
Experimental Study on the Flexural Response of Conventional R/C and Fiber-Reinforced Concrete (P.I.), ΑGET Hercules (9/10/06 – 9/6/08).
Fatigue Behavior of High-Strength Steel Welded Joints in Offshore and Marine Systems EU-ResearchFundforCoalandSteel, TGS8 (co-P.I.), in collaboration with Dept. of Mechanical Eng., Univ. of Thessaly (Greece), Corus Group -UK, Centro Sviluppo Materiali S.p.A.(Italy), Instituto de Soldatura e Qualidade (Portugal), Salzgitter Mannesmann Forschung GmbH (Germany)(1/7/2005 – 1/7/08).
Fracture Toughness of Fiber-Reinforced Concrete- Experimental Studies (P.I.), VINCI Construction(3/09-12/09).
Fracture Toughness of Fiber-Reinforced Concrete- Experimental Studies (P.I.), ΑΕGΕΚ(3/09-6/09).
Performance-BasedApproaches for High-StrengthTubularColumnsandConnectionsunderEarthquakeandFireLoading, EU-ResearchFundforCoalandSteel, TGS8 (co-P.I.), in collaboration with Dept. of Mechanical Eng., Univ. of Thessaly (Greece), Universityοf Liege (Belgium), Centro Sviluppo Materiali (Italy), StahlbauPichler (Italy), University ofTrento (Italy)(1/07/08 – 31/12/11).
DesignandIntegrityAssessmentofHigh-StrengthTubularStructures forExtremeLoadingConditions, EU-ResearchFundforCoalandSteel, TGS8 (co-P.I.), in collaboration with Dept. of Mechanical Eng., Univ. of Thessaly (Greece), UniversityofTrento (Italy), Centro Sviluppo Materiali (Italy), Instituto De Soldadura E Qualidade (Portugal), Fundacion ITMA (Spain), Korrosions Och Metallforskningsinstitutet Ab (Sweden) and Universite de Liege (Belgium) (1/07/08 – 31/12/11).
Experimental Study of the Response of R/C Frames with R/C Infill (P.I.), Greek Organization for Design and Protection against Seismic Loadings (O.A.S.P.) (2/2010 - 3/2011).
Analytical/Experimental Studies on the Optimization of Strengthening of Conventional R/C Buildings with Weak Ground Floor against Seismic Forces through Non-Eccentric Steel Diagonal Stiffening Members(O.A.S.P.) (co-P.I.) (2/2010 - 3/2011).
3000 kN compression testing machine with load, stroke and external applied displacement control.
Testing facilities for R/C and steel structures including a 3 x 3 x 4 m self-reacting steel reaction frame with a ±250 and ±500 kN (MTS) hydraulic actuators digitally controlled through a servo-hydraulic (MTS) system (2-stage servo-valve and manifold) with a FlexTest 40 controller.
40 lpm silentflow air-cooled hydraulic pump.
40-channel SCXI data acquisition system (DAQ) by National Instruments and computer station. The DAQ system records measurements from strain gages, DCDT’s, displacement potentiometers, wire-displacement transducers, accelerometers and a high-definition camera.
200-lt concrete mixer.
Sieving system for aggregates.
Temperature-controlled curing water reservoir and devices for air-content in concrete and NDT concrete strength evaluation.
The experimental results of the above research projects improved structural Code requirements and construction methods of R/C and steel structures.
The laboratory has been accredited according to the European Standards ISO/IEC 17025 by the responsible body in Greece E.S.Y.D. for performing the tests of: uniaxial compressive strength of concrete cube specimens and 4-point bending of composite concrete slabs with steel sheeting.
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+30 24210 74151
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+30 24210 74160
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+30 24210 74141
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+30 24210 74339
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+30 24210 74339
+30 24210 74373