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Project Management Guide - Regulations

Funding and Management Guide (article 68, Law 4485/2017)

1. The Funding and Management Guide of the SARFs at the Higher Education Institutes is approved with the Senate’s decision following the recommendation of the Research Committee of the SARF.

2. In the framework of the applicable provisions, the Guide details:

a. the bodies and the procedures for the evaluation, selection, funding and management of the SARF activities;

b. the control method and procedure of the SARF by the Senate of the relevant Higher Education Institute;

c. the specific economic management procedures of the projects;

d. the competences and obligations of the Scientific Heads and the personnel;

e. the procedures and all relevant matters related to the employment, fees and the redeployment of the parties working in SARF projects;

f. the terms and the procedure for granting liquidity managing facilities for the projects;

g. the Regulation for granting scholarships;

h. the dissemination and evaluation methods of the research results and other activities funded via the SARF;

i. the management and protection of property rights (intellectual and industrial);

j. the participation of the Higher Education Institute in spin-offs.

k. research ethics matters

l. the details for granting and using the assets of the SARF projects/programs;

m. any other matter related to the smooth operation of the SARFs and the research and other projects and programs in the implementation process.

Start of validity

The Funding and Management Guide, as per article 37, par. 6, Law 4589/2019, is approved the latest up to 31.12.2019. When the approved Guide enters into force, the existing ones apply provided their terms are not contrary to the provisions in force, and the latest up to 31.12.2019. Up to the time the validity of the Funding Guides starts, the decisions of the Research Committee regulate matters set forth in said Guides,